Nearly 20 lbs. of Fat Gone in 3 Months!

When you say you want to make a “transformation” you’re probably talking about a major change to your physical appearance. At a deeper level it’s about more than losing weight or building muscle. It’s a lifestyle change that will positively impact your physical and mental health.

Over the last 3 months Jay has transformed himself. He has lost 19.4 lbs of fat, while maintaining his muscle mass, adding 1.3 lbs there!

Jay’s fitting into pants he couldn’t before, sleeping better, and noticing a feeling of mental well being. He’s also seeing improvements in his cardio, and strength, making his physically demanding job easier. He learned to climb a rope too!

To achieve all this in just 3 months Jay has focused on his nutrition and consistently showing up for workouts. Changes to Jay’s diet have been simple and powerful, like substituting fruit and nuts for candy and chips, and drinking more water, or choosing diet/sugar free soda, instead of soda and sports drinks. Jay admits this has taken will power, though it has gotten easier over time. Something like stopping for late night fast food isn’t even a consideration anymore.

We aim to make workouts fun, and exercise has been the easier part for Jay. He describes CrossFit workouts “like a game I’m playing against myself”, while at the same time enjoying the camaraderie and team atmosphere. Jay said, “I don’t have to talk myself into working out”.

Jay likes how “I’m eating, treating my body, and how I feel after CrossFit”, and he’s making himself proud. We’re proud of you too, Jay! 

When Jay recently had to move, he paid us the ultimate compliment, by choosing a place closer to our gym. “I’m glad I made the decision to start coming here, and that I found a place close by to keep coming”. 

Are you ready to make a change like Jay? Click here to get started!

people working out in a group fitness class

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